The Pet Food Pantry at the United Christian Care Center of Vidor was established in 2016 upon realizing that many individuals were sharing their “people food” with pets to prevent their pets from going hungry. Several clients had asked if the Center provided food for pets.
Funds to support the pet food pantry are provided by specific donations from individuals, businesses, animal welfare groups and grants. The local animal shelter shares food whenever they have extra donations.
Dry pet food donations are packaged into gallon bags for dog food and quart bags for cat food. Clients receiving regular food donations from the Center may request dog and/or cat food at the same time. They may receive pet food once every 28 days. Almost 200 families receive assistance with pet food each month.
The United Christian Care Center will accept dry pet food donations or monetary donations to help with the pet food pantry. Monetary donations may be made to the United Christian Care Center with a notation that funds are for pet food. The United Christian Care Center is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, EIN 76-0674278.